I’ve recently added several new soldered pendants to my Etsy shop. They feature upcycled vintage book illustrations from Tasha Tudor. They are $21 each, free shipping included! Click here to visit my shop to check them out.

I’ve recently added several new soldered pendants to my Etsy shop. They feature upcycled vintage book illustrations from Tasha Tudor. They are $21 each, free shipping included! Click here to visit my shop to check them out.
I’ve added even more new pendants in my Etsy shop. These pendants are hand soldered glass with vintage book page illustrations inside. $20 each with FREE shipping.
Click here to visit my Etsy Shop.
If you’ve read this blog for any time you probably know how much I love Alice in Wonderland. I especially love the original Tennell illustrations which were published in black and white but sometimes you’ll find a copy with colorized illustrations. I found a small abridged version of Alice with color artwork at an antique store and they are the perfect size for pendants. Here’s a few soldered glass pendants I made recently with them.
I think Spring is finally on it’s way, I saw my first chipmunk of the year and the first dandilion has popped up in the yard!
To help celebrate this wonderful time of year I’ve made several soldered glass pendant with animals that make me think Spring.
The first three (bunny, duckling and lamb) are vintage illustrations from a Tasha Tudor book. I love her work!
This Robin pendant has a nest on the back and comes from a vintage children’s ABC book.
All (except the lamb, which sold) are in my Etsy shop right now.
Here’s a collection of recent soldered glass pendants, all with cute zoo/wild animals.
All are currently available in my Etsy shop.
Wow, I’ve been a terrible blogger lately, sorry! Right before Thanksgiving my 93 year old Grandfather passed away and then I’ve been all caught up getting ready for the holidays, it’s been a hectic (and sad) time.
Right before all this happened though I spent a lot of time getting new jewelry pieces made and am just now getting them on-line. I made a bunch of single soldered pendants and also many charm necklaces too.
Here’s a few new Alice in Wonderland themed necklaces, all currently available in my Etsy shop (along with many more new items as well).
Thanks for stopping by!
Here’s a few soldered glass pendants I’ve made recently.
These are from a gorgeous book of fairy tale with illustrations from Tasha Tudor:
and these cuties are from a book about kids and ponies:
These pendants are currently available in my Etsy Shop.
Here’s a couple more recent Halloween soldered charms and one not so Halloween 🙂
This first is a tiny black domino, I used white permanent ink to stamp on the dancing skeletons, this is perfect for Halloween and Dia de Los Muertos.
This soldered glass pendant is a cool vintage hanging bat stamp I found on Etsy. I stamped him on vintage dictionary paper.
This last one is sooooo spooky….NOT 😉 It’s a Queen Bee charm necklace, the large soldered domino has beehive paper and a silver bee charm, the smaller says Queen and there is also a large silver crown charm.
These are all available in my Etsy shop.